miércoles, diciembre 31, 2008

Happy new year 2009

This is my last entry of this year.

Many things had happened during this 2008: It changed my marital status, changed my residence, start again but in this case in a different country, etc.

My best wishes to everybody and I hope this 2009 will be a Prosperous year.

And remember If you're planning to celebrate & drink, don't drive, is better to take a cab or stay until next day. Remeber that somebody is waiting for you in home.

Best regards

I wish you Happiness and Joy...
And Blessings for the New Year.

I wish you the best of everything...
That you so well deserve.

See you on 2009!!!

martes, diciembre 30, 2008

Bajan tarifas de luz a los industriales y suben tarifas a usuarios domesticos

Citando un comentario que lei en un periodico de circulacion nacional (en MX)

"Definitivamente el gobierno federal cree que está tratando con idiotas, mira que incrementar 33 veces el precio de la gasolina; proporcionarnos más inseguridad que la que teníamos al principio de su gestión; ahora aumentará la tarifa de luz para usuarios de consumo doméstico. No olvidemos que Calderón envió a sus huestes a buscar el voto para su partido “puerta por puerta”. ¿Qué argumentos utilizarán para convencernos? Les sugiero a los panistas que busquen el voto en las puertas de las mansiones de los industriales... ¡Sí!, en las puertas de aquellos a quienes están beneficiando con las nuevas tarifas de luz."

Resumen de las notas:
Los usuarios domésticos pagan tres veces más que las fábricas y productores de gran nivel.

Para el senador Ricardo Monreal, "se trata de un triste regalo de mala fe contra las clases populares, con el que se corona la serie de golpes arteros con los que el gobierno de Felipe Calderón ha evidenciado su desinterés por la mayoría de los mexicanos y el trato privilegiado que le ha dado a quienes lo ayudaron a robarse la Presidencia de la República".

Sin embargo, insiste Monreal, este anuncio de que bajarán las tarifas de luz a los industriales, trasladando así los subsidios a los grandes consumidores, "es una nueva demostración de que Calderón es rehén de los intereses que lo llevaron a robarse la Presidencia. Para ellos, la prioridad es la gente que ostenta el poder económico, mientras que la situación en el campo o la de usuarios de colonias pobres les tiene sin cuidado".

Esto esta muy raro, ya que, por lo que he visto en las noticias desde aca, la gente tampoco reacciona ante este tipo de engaños, es kafkiano lo que está sucediendo alla.

domingo, diciembre 28, 2008

Driving in the Fog

Yesterday we went to Jersey Gardens, because, you know girls, shopping, well... Those words are synonyms.

It was a warm day, I love this weather, because we were at 47°F, everything was surrounded by fog, but it was possible to drive, so we decided go there. Is very close to Newark Airport. I don´t worry about how to arrive there, because I trust on my GPS :P

It is a very big place (Is like shoppers heaven: all important brands, cheap prices and no taxes on clothes!), we spent all afternoon there (that was not the only thing we spent) and we did not see all stores, maybe the next time we´ll see all stores.

But for know is enough of shopping for me.

Well, I´ll go to buy some food in the grocery store.

jueves, diciembre 25, 2008

First Christmas outside US

It is amazing how time past as fast as we don´t notice it. Can you beleive it? I´m here passing my first Christmas in a completely different country! I´m happy because is a good experience, that´s why we (Gaby & Me) are starting from zero, like should be.

But in a better place to live and raise a family. I´m not saying that MX is a bad place, but always I wanted to live in a better place (I always thought, Is there something better outside?, and yes there is), to grow up in a different environment, away from stress, pollution & recurrent economical crisis.

This is great!!! Thanks to all for your good wishes.

Merry Christmas to everybody!!!

I was forgetting something...
We had a delicious Christmas eve dinner!!! It was awesome!!! Thanks Gaby! Ich liebe Dich!

domingo, diciembre 07, 2008

Por fin tenemos carretera!!!

At least this poor Systems Developer has got triple play :)

From now I´ll try to write more entries.

And well, do you want to see how is the weather??? Look this

sábado, diciembre 06, 2008

Snow shower

Today, when I was driving from my friend's apartment (Amox) in Matawan, I saw something like rain, but it was a different kind of rain.
Woow it was not rain!!! It was snowing!!!

It seemed like little pieces of foam falling down, it is great!!!

When I arrived to my apartment and parked my car, I saw how looked other cars, they were covered by this white foam.

It´s so cute!!!

Unfortunately, I could´t take any picture of the interstate :(

Here are a couple of pictures